Sunday, May 23, 2010

Different Types of Cancer Diseases

1. Pancreas Cancer

2. Ayurveda for anal cancer

3. Rectum Cancer

4. Liver Cancer

5. Cancer for Stomach

6. Esophagus Cancer

7. Lung Cancer

8. Ayurvedic herbal Treatment for neck and Head

9. Kidney Cancer

10. Urinary Bladder Cancer

11. Testicular Caner

12. Ayurveda Herbal cure for Penile Cancer

13. Prostate Cancer

14. Ovarian Cancer

15. Neurological Tumors Cancer

16. Thyroid Caner

17. Bone and Lung Cancer

18. Childerens Specific Cancer

19. Skin and Allergy cancer

20. Treatment of Lymphomas

21. Blook and Leukemai Cancer

Top Medical Experts doctors for Breast cancer

1. Thomas G.Frazier, M.D., (General and breast surgeion, Thomas Jefferson Univeristy Health System Philadelphia, PA

2. Anne L. Rosenberg, M.D., Breast Surgeon, Thomas Jefferson Univeristy Health System Philadelphia, PA

3. Marisa C. Weiss, M.D, Breast Radiation Oncologist, Thomas Jefferson Univeristy Health System Philadelphia, PA

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Breast Cancer Symptoms

1. weight loss

2. vaginal pain

3. ulcreation of the brest

4. enlarged of the breast

5. elarged lymph of the arm pit

6. Retraction of the nipple

7. Change in size of the breast

8. spontaneous clear from you nipple with the breast lump

Test with Doctors to detect breast cancer symptoms

1. Mamogram

2. Breast Ultra sound

3. Breast biopsy

4. Clincal breast examination

5. Breast self examination